Az. Agr. San Gregorio in Sabina

Organic farming and eco-sustainability

Our small family-owned business is included in a specially protected area ("Zona a Protezione Speciale - ZPS" - Tevere Farfa), in between the regional natural reserves of Mount Soratte and Nazzano - Tevere Farfa. We have always performed organic farming; our certification body is Suolo e Salute. Our extra virgin olive oil, as well as our walnuts, vegetables and fruits are a limited production and they are all organic. We always conduct our farming activities respectfully of nature and the protection of health. Our products are fresh, genuine and not subjected to any kind of treatment. The method of cultivation used is pursued according to the earth's natural cycles and the changing seasons. We try to enhance the features of the region and we aim at having a short supply-chain in order to make the most positive environmental impact, with the purpose of preserving the two beautiful reserves which surround our farm. We choose "Bio" because we believe that the organic farming helps promote biodiversity.
Additionally, all our products are branded "Natura in Campo", which supports those agricultural activities employing sustainable agriculture techniques. Our attention to sustainable agriculture has recently been awarded with an outstanding mention in the "Life Go Park" Project, cofounded by the European Commission (in the framework of the LIFE+ programme) and the Lazio Region.